Cancellation and Refund Policy:

If you decide to cancel your course booking within 3 calendar days of receiving your order confirmation and before the start of the course, you have the right to receive a full refund of the price you paid (the PayPal transaction fees will be deducted), Upon receiving your cancellation email, we will process the reimbursement within 24 hours. The refund will be made using the same payment method as the initial transaction unless you have explicitly agreed otherwise. Rest assured that you will not incur any fees as a result of this reimbursement.

Please note that our online course contents are video courses. If you begin using our video courses and online exams during the cancellation period (i.e. if the course starts within the 3-day cancellation period) or if you access the course content through our LMS platform, it will be recorded in our system. In such cases, you will not be entitled to any refunds.

While we make every effort to avoid changes to our program, Canny College reserves the right to withdraw or cancel any course. If for any reason we need to cancel a course, we will refund all course fees in full.

To request a cancellation, please send an email to Following our cancellation and refund policy, we will refund your fees through PayPal to your credit card account within 24 hours.